March 14, 2013

Copyright, JavaScript and HTML

Copyright and twinkling lights

Did you know copyright exists the minute you press the button on your camera... its yours, you own it! There is nothing further you need to do, no registration, no forms its all yours! Yay for us!
On the flip side images you may want to download from the internet are also protected by these same laws. Ownership is automatic, so if you intend to use an image found on the net be sure you have permission to do so. Copyright can still be current many years after someone's death. So if in doubt leave it out!

The adventures continue in the wide and wacky world of web development. In the beginning, not even 6 weeks ago I didn't even know what HTML was let alone how to write it. Same goes with Cascading style sheets, what's CSS I said? As for JavaScript, don't even go there! Well what are they you ask? If you think another language which involves a whole lot of symbols, letters and grammatical type rules then you're on the right track. As I've mentioned before these "languages" are the nuts and bolts behind every website.

The twinkling lights have started to appear at the end of the tunnel despite much brain frying along the way. With the foundations now laid out for my very first web site I look forward to producing something that works, no promises on pretty... yet. Rest assured though I am determined to get there and will keep you posted.

Back in the studio... newspaper advertising has been high on the list. I had the pleasure of working with the Beach House Tile Studio in Kingscliff. What an absolutely stunning set up they have. While in the studio I watched the process behind making their featured tiles some of which are handmade in Morocco. These designs can be totally unique and the process is amazing to watch.  As I designer I found the concept fascinating  with these tiles you really can choose your own adventure. Here's a link to how it happens if you are interested.

Hope you are too choosing your own adventure, living and loving it!

Graffix by Tracey

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